7:30 Special on the Economy, Worth a Look


Storm Clouds over the Australian Economy was originally a 4-part series aired on the 7.30 Report in Nov 2019. It has now been combined into one 31 minute special which is available on ABC I view until mid-March. 2020.

The program title and the first half of the program paints a rather gloomy picture of the economy focussing on the housing downturn in Gosnells in WA, large housing debts figures and the risks to the economy of a broader housing downturn and the China trade issues.

It also focusses on one big established company Coca Cola a niche shoemaker to justify their “times are tough” theme. Coke is struggling because it’s selling sugary drinks that are out of fashion and the shoemaker is competing against new manufacturing technology that makes customised manufacture of anything a lot easier.

It is choc full of interesting stats, it is filmed and presented in an interesting and professional way by Alan Khohler.

The second half of the program focusses on areas of the economy which are doing a lot better (aged care, China focussed exporters of milk powder and iron Ore, and presents some of the reasons for optimism. Low interest rates, a growing population due to immigration and increased Government spending on infrastructure.

Well worth half an hour of your time.

Cheers, James

James Hodder

James Hodder

James Hodder is the Managing Director and Senior Financial Advisor at Helm Capital. His qualifications include Bachelor of Engineering (UWA), Master of Business Administration (Melbourne University), Graduate Diploma – Securities Institute of Australia, Senior Associate of The Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) and Fellow of Financial Services Institute of Australasia

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